Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Noem Ad: Kristi doesn't plan on polling or caucusing while in Washington...

Can anyone stand this nonsense?

That question has been plaguing my mind ever since I saw the latest Kristi Noem Campaign ad.  

Let me break down the video for you...

"Here on the ranch in South Dakota we don't take a lot of poles (or polls [but really, why would there be any need for any sort of polls at the farm... is someone new running for 'farmhand' while Kristi's on the road? Really?])" - I would hope not, that would be stealing... And she need not worry, with the latest poll, everyone has already forgotten about the previous Rasmussen Polls (I think there were three), so it sounds truer than it really is. 

"Or hold many caucuses." - Now for that, I really just don't see any need for. 

"Do what needs to be done... That's what I'll do in Washington." - Oh, so she means like voting for a bill that's going to save hundreds of thousands of jobs or intervene to prevent healthcare and education costs from skyrocketing? 

"Unlike my opponent, I'll vote to lower the national debt, vote against wasteful spending." - Oh, so it's kind of like she will work towards fiscal discipline... just like the Blue Dog Democrats? Also, I thought she just said in her first statement that she wouldn't be holding any polls, or is she proposing introducing a bill that would cut entitlement spending (maybe by privatizing medicare and social security)? Because as anyone well read on the issue of national debt would know, the increases of spending we see year after year are coming mainly out of the entitlements... Or maybe she plans on cutting funding for our young men and women overseas, as our military also takes up a big piece of the budget pie. It's easy to say you are going to lower the national debt, but what does the Noem plan really look like? She says that it probably wouldn't look like The Ryan budget, so what does it look like? 

"Repeal government mandated healthcare." - So I guess I was wrong when I made my assumptions about her sticking true about what needed to be done. 

"And work every day to create jobs." - Sounds bold. Must be talking about a pretty advanced government plan to create more jobs. Wait, isn't that exactly what Kristi attacked Stephanie for at at the convention of the Associated School Boards of South Dakota and School Administrators of South Dakota? I wonder what Kristi's plan is to create jobs? If it's just the free market, I want her job. Though I don't think you could quite consider sitting back and doing nothing all day as "working all day". Hmm...

"And one more thing..." Wait for it... She just remembered something profound.

"My first vote won't be to make Nancy Pelosi Speaker" - Here she goes again, trying to posture the enemy as Pelosi. I guess if the first four times around fail, heck, what's a fifth going to hurt? 

"I'm Kristi Noem and I approve this message." - That makes one of us... Seriously, if you're going to try to make a statement at least have some content. 

"Sorry Nancy" - Boom-roasted. Noem's really pwnd some serious n00bage in this ad. ZOMG

This ad is nothing more than fluff and pandering to her base... I kind of wish that Herseth-Sandlin would do the same. 


  1. Fluff and pandering -- darn right! Good analysis!

    [Say, can you send me a note and let me know who you are? It's nice to have company in the blogosphere!]

  2. I love this. The only SD news I read now-a-days is Madville Times and Barbaric.

  3. This ad is worthless. What really get me about Noem (among many other things) is that in the four years she has been in the state legislature she has engaged in more partisan BS than many of her colleagues.
    As a matter of fact she does hold all the ones in Pierre that the Republicans insist on keeping closed to the public unlike the Democrats. And I'd bet big money that she had a mini-caucus with some members of the GOP smarter than she is who knew she'd be a cute pawn to voice false accusations against Scott Heidepriem on record in committee. She's not smart enough to follow that and come up with it on her own. Moreover, she was wrong.

  4. Thank you C-dawg! I will be recommending this site to many of my friends.
