Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Herseth on Healthcare: Lefty Liberal or Blue Dog Democrat? You actually DON'T get to decide.

A recent Argus Leader letter to the editor poses and answers their own question of:
Should anti-abortion taxpayers be forced to pay for abortions? Our representative to Congress says yes.
While they are correct on Herseth-Sandlin's voting record on the Stupak Amendment, their conclusion (especially in the context of the healthcare debate) is dishonest. 

I really do have to give credit to the creativity of the right-wing though. With their bread-and-butter strategy of attacking candidates for their support of healthcare reform (which is FAR from Obamacare) taken away, their willingness to go to new lengths to attack her on the healthcare front is somewhere between inspirational and laughable. First they complained that she wouldn't vow to repeal the bill, and now they're saying that she voted to support state-funded abortions. 

Well news-flash, she didn't vote for healthcare reform, she didn't vote to fund abortions. She didn't even vote for tort reform. She didn't vote for any bit of it. When the dust settled on the the votes on the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, the votes were recorded. 220 yea and 211 nay, and Herseth-Sandlin found herself aligned with the latter of the two. 

So let's stop playing pretend. She unfortunately (for millions of American and GOP talking points) didn't vote for the bill, and isn't feebly making promises to voters of repeal to win votes. 

]I realize both sides are far from keeping the campaigns positive, but let's at least try to keep it accurate. 

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